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Transmedia House of Leaves

Mark Danielewski’s novel House of Leaves forces the reader to think about the different media that we normally take for granted. Most obviously House of Lea...

Critical Code Studies paper proposal

The emerging field of critical code studies offers tools for digital humanities scholars to study electronic works by looking at the source code of the work....

Moral Computing

I am taking “Object Oriented Analysis and Design” this semester, and last week we had our first writing assignment. It was a short opinion piece on “Moral Re...

Code Poetry

I started reading “The Code is not the Text” this weekend, but found it pretty dense and challenging. I am interested in critical code studies, and hope to w...

The making of this blog

Getting this blog online has been a bit of a headache. For all these reasons, I was convinced to start blogging. After reading various disccusions surroundin...

Learn to Code

Shanagram writes “that we do not need to understand code to understand machines. Many of her points are valid, particularly about using some discretion onl...

Steve Yegge convinced me to blog

Steve Yegge’s assertion that “You should write blogs” is what convinced me. I’ve been flip-flopping about whether or not to have a blog, and in the end this ...